RibbonWiz: Printing and Customizing Ribbons

Verlässlich, randscharf und widerstandsfähig – TTR-Farbbänder von KURZ

Personalized Ribbons for Retail

Customization is one of the top trends in marketing. Thermal transfer ribbons are the perfect medium for this: With our ribbon printer and the associated app, you can print ribbons individually - directly in your store! This is quick and saves you cumbersome ordering processes.


The RibbonWiz ensures that you serve your customers even better. Whether you are decorating a wedding anniversary gift, a wreath, or a wine bottle with an individually printed ribbon: Help your customers express emotions. The RibbonWiz also creates added value for your company marketing. We would be happy to advise you if you would like to print company-specific ribbons - in your corporate color or with your logo.

Order the RibbonWiz Starter Pack

The RibbonWiz starter pack contains everything you need to print a personalized ribbon: The RibbonWiz printer, the RibbonWiz app, two thermotransfer films, and four ribbons of your choice.


Simply download the RibbonWiz app to your tablet. It is used to control the design of each gift ribbon. Here you also enter the text you want to print on the ribbon. Contact us if you would like to add your logo and corporate font to the app.


We offer thermotransfer foils in many colors for printing on your ribbons. RibbonWiz ribbons come in several widths and many colors.